Heaven Is An Abandoned Mansion

Heaven is an abandoned mansion
Of the kind so coveted by seventies rock-stars
Strung & burnt & far far out, out of this world
Seeking a louche & decadent repose,
A stopping point on the long long road to nowhere.

Dotted around impossibly high ceilinged rooms
Almost bereft of functional furnishings,
Are overwrought doors leading onto corridors
With receding horizons & narrowing vistas
A place to pointlessly wander in for a lost eternity.

A randomly situated four seater settee,
The dining table set seemingly for the Last Supper,
The elongated crooked billiard table
Are draped in white sheets to protect from dust
Though no motes float to land & settle here.

The keys of the grand piano caressed so softly 
By the delicate shapely fingers of the chanteuse
Are still, no more My Favourite Things
Echoing in the golden hours of the evening
Not even a ghost of a melody haunts anymore.

The crumpled satin sheets in the master bedroom
Give off no scent of the languid delights enjoyed
In the slower moments of a rainy afternoon
The surging salty oceanic secretions 
Have dissipated into the atmosphere aeons ago.

Everything is spent here & beyond heartache,
No deep blue desire, no angry red mist, no black bile hatred,
No yearning, no striving, no grasping
Only the play of the clear bright light against surfaces
Unpolluted by any perceiving eye.

The Sky, The Bird, You

Max Ernst-L’Oiseau circa 1951

Even the thought 
Of looking up
Into that vastness
Always renewing
As to appear newly minted
Freshly washed rinsed & dried
So clear it is hard to see
With any clarity
Makes you lose yourself
Without the imaginary ballast
That you once claimed to possess
Adrift in an atmosphere
Of doubt & uncertainty
But you could never resist
The assuaging caress of beauty
So you hesitantly
Scan the sky that's empty
Except for one mobile black dot
Transversing the blue space
So at ease in the airy element
How you envy that bird
The seeming surety of purpose
Undivided nature
Unselfconscious singularity
Just itself & nothing else
But if you for a moment
Could stop looking
You would realise
The endless boundless realisation
That you are both the bird & the immeasurable
Heavens through which it soars.

Myriad Things

Wei Ligang-Myriad Things Examined: Autumn-2016

In the primal chaos
Time and things

A split second
Of stillness

Condensing into a point
Almost disappearing
Smaller than a drifting speck

Of dust
Yet somehow vaster
Than all dimensions

Rushing to fill
The remaining real estate
This is the one

The way
This is the only

All opposites reconciled
All contradictions resolved
A magistry beyond measure

The integral harmony
Unity in its perfection
Desired multiplicity

Engendering the two
Who fought and loved
Birthing the three

That emanated
All the myriad things
Beneath Heaven

A floating world
Of impermanence
Fleeting phantasies

Transitory thoughts
Nothing so-of-itself
Yet longing for ideal
A oneness yet undivided


Hokusai-The Tengu Goddess, Mystical Bird 1760

For a few seconds a stray sunbeam
Makes visible the dance of dust motes
Swaying, trembling, swooning then falling
I have been granted a glimpse
Of harmony in the floating world
For the moment I am deeply content
Eyelids heavy, chin dropping towards chest
I dream of angels in a distant Heaven
Languidly embracing in the shallows
Of a limpidly becalmed pool.