I looked into the mirror and

Not to be Reproduced (La reproduction interdite), by René Magritte (1937).

I looked into the mirror and I saw God.
Couldn’t be, could it?
Yet it was just so.
I would recognize that face anywhere,
although only a reflection in misted over glass,
an image from the other side,
the farthest shore,
never before so close,
yet still out or reach, untouchable,
ultimately unknowable.

Pupils dilating,
extremities suffused with the sudden heat of rushing blood,
overwhelmed by a sensual exhilaration,
yet more so,
an eroticism multiplied to the Nth,
I concentrate more deeply
staring into depths,
drowning in those all-seeing, all-knowing eyes,
hearing the swell of the cosmic score,
voices contralto, soprano, basso profondo
intoning hymns, curses, invocations,
transfixing my body stock still,
rooted to the spot
as I flowed everywhere
becoming everyone and everything:
the muddy bank of a tributary,
hovering insect above a flower,
stray hair escaping the confines of a tight bun,
wounded sparrow,
gentle spring breeze,
profligate sun burning energy and radiating excess,
the cold intra-stellar space in between worlds,
all this and yet more:
I tasted the inherent horror and it was exquisite,
intoxicating me to beyond a point.

Peering for so long,
so narrowly, so blindly focused
I lost myself.
All stages of life passed by
as I assumed the death posture;
until everything blurred,
dissolving into a undifferentiated inorganic mass,
only a field of colour remained.
Nothing else,
not even the merest bagatelle,
though maybe a faint echo of essence.

In turn

Le Soleil. La ville entiere-Max Ernst 1968

At such times I glean
That I have been in my turn;
Brood mare, blade of grass,
Stone on the shore, floating cloud-
The boundaries are porous
Between this & that
The self can become other
In the merest blink
Of an eyelid adjusting
To the flicker of neon.

Breakers Yard, Murmod Hill

Neil Montier

Pungent odour of 

moulting angel overhangs
disused breakers yard

partially obscured
down the lane, up Murmod Hill
below, derelict
workhouse, above, soon-to-be
ruins architects folly.

Hypnotic glaucous
light-glare shone to greet strangers
illuminates glade,

caved-in truck cabin
strangled with ivy creeping
garlanding twisted
steering wheel & window frames-
ripped vinyl seats a moss bed.

Easy to picture
furtive lovers embracing
there in the future

trapped in this flowering
deathly metallic bower-
vitals flickering
as insects & carrion birds gather
sensing a rare royal feast.

A canine-more wolf
than dog though sporting paisley
bow tie gives side eye

when disturbed sniffing
among stripped tyres, lager cans,
torn condom wrappers,
cold embers & charred remnants
of a long extinguished fire.